The Harry Potter series, written by J. K. Rowling, have been popular among all ages ever since the release of the first book in 1997. In fact, there are movies for each book in the series with the exception of the final book which was separated into two movies. The last and final movie was finally released this summer with the premiere consisting of hundreds of people at each theatre. The last four books have also been the fastest books sold in history. However, even with its immense popularity, there are shares of criticism with the series’ dark tone since it is considered a children’s book. With its many references to the problems in reality and aspects in life and/or American society, such as the ideology of rags to riches, freedom, opportunity and discrimination, the Harry Potter series is important to discuss now.
Harry Potter is an orphan whose parents have been killed by Voldemort when he was still a baby. He was raised by his aunt and uncle who did not particularly love him. He had freedom from them after he was told he was a wizard and can actually attend Hogwarts, a magical school for wizards and witches. This gave him the opportunity to find out certain things about his life and discover friends such as Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, who ends up being his best friends. He had many problems throughout his schooling, such as making enemies with the students in Syntherin. The man who killed his parents also wanted to kill him, so it was basically a fight to the death.
Harry Potter is a character who demonstrates rags to riches. Until he finally knew that he was the child of an amazing wizard and witch, he was not cared for by his guardians. Afterwards, he discovered that his late father and mother actually left him a ton of money at the Gringotts Wizarding Bank. When his godfather died in the 5th book/movie, he also left Harry all of his money in his vault. He has freedom to not enter school during his 7th year, and instead, he goes off with his two best friends to find items which could help him kill the man who killed his parents.
I never thought about the whole rags to riches concept applying to Harry. It is very true. His story definitely shows how people can overcome difficult circumstances in their lives with enough effort. Great job.
Harry Potter are good series/movies that depicts dominant ideology. The series show how people with less opportunities can still achieve their goals. Great reference to the books and movies.
I find that the books and the movies represent a person who is thrust into the land of power and where friends and enemies are made instantly. You must choose which path to follow so that you do not stray from it. A sense of Friendship and Honor is bound within this book and movie series.
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